Monday, July 12, 2010

2010 Family Reunion 2

Family Olympics
We had a fun time with the Olympics part. The family flags were a great idea and each unique and fun. There were activities that everyone could have fun trying. 'Course it helps to be the only ones in your class. Dad and I had it made!

We did kick the shoe.
It wasn't as easy as it looks.
sometimes it goes UP

Record keeping became quite involved, and two heads are always better than one.
The hula- hoop had quite a following. Some practiced and practiced until quite expert!

Most of us tried the standing long jump. I think I made a little over a foot.

I think Melina jumped farther than I did.
Aaron was the over-all winner. Much to his older brothers chagrin.

The water balloon shot put and the Frisbee discuss throw were very entertaining. I think the shorter family members were really excited when they saw all those water balloons.

Granddad got lots of exercise chasing the Frisbee.

There was some haggling with the judges.

And lots of looking at the posted results charts.

Studying and figuring where involved!

And that about covers the better pictures I had.
There will be a part three about our closing ceremony


  1. Love, love, love the pictures. You got some great action ones! I'll have to direct people over here now.

  2. I don't know why I keep missing ur updates! You have some awesome pictures. THank you so much for sharing! I'll have to send Melissa over here so she can see us all looking up our results.. looks just like a triathlon!
